techno surprises

July 11, 2007

types of numbers

There are 5 basic types of numbers avaliable. Here is some examples about numbers and their limitations.

Natural Numbers

They are also known as counting numbers. They are starting with 1 and goes to infinity…

Examples: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, … , 10, 11, 12, … , 10000, … , 123123123123, and so on

In C/C++/C#/ JAV# : they can be expressed as short int, int, long int types.


They do not include commos. These numbers can be both negative and positive. So they could be as negative integers like -5, – 9,-123, … -infinity and some of them called as positive integers like 1, 3, 5, … , 12132129. Moreover integers include number ZERO(0).

So as a genereall example: -999999….999999999, ……….., -3, -2, -1, 0 , 1, 2, 3, 4, ……………., 9999999999…9999999

In C/C++/C#/ JAV# : they can be expressed as short int, int, long int types.

Rational Numbers

They should be expressed as a fraction with an integer and non-zero(we do not have to mention non-zero actually because natural numbers should be non-zero) natural numbers denominator.

Examples: 6/4, 7/4, 3/1 , 12123/43

In C/C++/C#/ JAV# : denominator and numerator both can be expressed as short int, int, long int types but result should be expressed with double or float type.

Real Numbers

They includes all measuring numbers such number pi, sequare root of any positive number, and so on…

They can generally used with decimal notation and when you want pronounce it we say to ‘.’ point. Forexaple, 7.53 : Seven point fifty three.

Example: 7.3, 5.2, -12132.3412, -39.4, -23.44, 992.32

In C/C++/C#/ JAV# : real numbers should be expressed with double or float type. You can also use both short and long prefixes.

Complex Numbers

Some negative numbers have a square root, or if a number is expressed like a+bi which has ‘i‘ an imaginary unit.

Example: 5+2i, -5+2i, -5-2i, 5-2i, 9+7i, 1+3i, 4-6i

Also, you can searc wiki pedia as numbers or number. Thank for reading…

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